Sunday, July 28, 2013

Kate's Nursery

Planning, decorating and creating Kate's nursery was a very fun part of my pregnancy. It took me from the minute I found out we were having a girl until the week before she was born to put this tiny room together. Every element was carefully planned and I love knowing that I created the majority of the elements in the room. I love her room almost as much as I love her!

The gallery wall of prints was so much fun. 
My favorites are the crayon print and the Oklahoma string art.

I couldn't ever find curtains I liked so I made these myself! 

Her book wall makes me so happy and I can't wait to read her these books, and have her play with her friend Sofie!

Her first camera, given to her by her Aunt Brooke

One of the first purchases I made once we decided on her name was these letters for the wall of her nursery!

One of my favorite parts of the room

I couldn't resist the sleeper that matched her room so well! 

I made the pillows for the rocking chair. My talented friend painted the mint dresser for me.

The beautiful triangle quilt that I dreamed of from the moment I started planning. I love it so much and think the colors work perfectly. The quilt was handmade by Kate's Nana.

Shelves and of course bunting (because I'm obsessed!) 

This little pooh bear was mine when I was younger and I had to include him in Kate's nursery.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

One Month

Dear Kate

Today you are one month old. I cannot believe how much my life has changed in that short time. You change everything. The day you entered the world and I became your mama was the most painful and best day of my life. I am continually amazed at the depth of my love for you. Kate, you are my perfect, beautiful, sweet baby and I cannot believe you are mine. Being your mama is the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done. Today you are one month old and so tiny and new. Your precious face and tiny toes are enthralling. I could stare at you all day. But I want you to know that I don't love you because you're my sweet, tiny baby, I love you because you are my daughter and I will always love you. I want to savor every minute of this time with you, my little one, but I also look forward to our future together and watching you grow.  Above all Kate Amelia, I want you to know that you are so loved.