Allow God to guide my life and accept His presence more in my life
Warren Home Renovation 2012: make the house I live in feel like OUR HOME
Become more focused with work and my business
Allow myself to learn more and grow; don't be afraid to take risks and do scary things to grow
Continue working towards confidence in my own personal style of photography and confidence in myself and my abilities as a photographer
Seek out other photographers and establish relationships: mentors and peers in the industry
*I'm attending WPPI 2012
Blog twice a week on a regular basis
*I ran 3:29:35 at the Houston Marathon, January 15, 2012
Enjoy every moment (even the mile 25 moments) of running the Boston Marathon for the first time
Cook more new recipes and try more new ingredients all with the goal of eating healthfully and wholesome foods to strengthen our bodies
Cook more asian influenced meals on a regular basis
Eat and think of food in a more body-conscious way, consider food as a fuel for my health
Avoid "death by hard drive" of my personal photography
Spend more time (whether in person or on the phone) with friends - don't allow my great relationships with friends to fall away
May you achieve your goals for the year. Relish every bit of Boston, it's one of a kind, and you are one of a kind for qualifying.