Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July Goals

I'm always making goals and to-do lists. And life is always getting in the way of my completing them, it seems. But I'm going to keep at it and hope that at least some things will get done! I had big plans for June and starting off summer great. Then my Aunt died and our house flooded and well, things didn't exactly go as planned. I'm glad June is behind me and I'm starting fresh this month. I've been feeling stressed out the last few days and since I actually acknowledged that June was tough and I've got a lot going on right now, I actually feel some relief. I'm not all the way better yet, but I'm happier in the realization that it's ok for me to be down and stressed out and that like all things, this too shall pass. I also had two wisdom teeth removed the beginning of July. Not a great way to start the month, but I'm glad to get it done and put it behind me. It set me up for a slow start to the month, but now that I'm starting to recover and feel less drugged up I am eager to get started on my goals list, mainly my home renovation projects! Hopefully our house will be back to normal and better than ever in the next few months!


*Home renovation

*To work purposefully and commit myself to the task at hand each day (get things done!)

*Run, bike, and cook healthfully

*Organization of office and photos (physical and electronic)

*Worry less and embrace all that life has to offer! Remember that every day is a gift from God and appreciate the little things!

*Cut back to one cup or less of coffee per day (Decaf only by the end of the month)

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